

Canyon Springs Golf Club promotes a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in which everyone can enjoy the course and clubhouse facilities. Canyon Springs reminds members, guests and visitors that a reasonable standard of dress is required at all times. Inappropriate or unacceptable dress is any attire which a staff member, at their discretion, consider to be unsuitable. Dress code guidelines are as follows:

We respectfully ask that pass holders, guests and visitors comply with the dress code out of respect for others and not put our staff in a position where it is necessary for them to bring the policy to your attention.


  • Hemmed walking shorts
  • Sleeveless blouses with collars for women only
  • Traditional slacks, khakis and jeans
  • Denim shorts
  • Designer warm-up suits
  • Shirts with mock or traditional button collars

Not Acceptable

  • Short-shorts, bathing suits, cut-offs, gym or jogging shorts, scrubs, cotton sweat suits, tank tops or t-shirts
  • Sleeveless and/or collarless shirts in general are not acceptable for men
  • Any article of clothing displaying an offensive statement
  • Any footwear that can cause damage, such as jagged or ribbed-sole jogging footwear, may not be worn on the golf course
  • Collars, such as those on t-shirts